
Indigenous Craft as Climate Adaptation and Mitigation

Speaker: Sandra Niessen (Antropologist, Fashion and Craft Activist)
Moderator: Desmond W.S. Anabrang (Arts Enthusiast and Culture Activist)

Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Time: 19:00 – 21:00 WIB or 14.00-16.00 CET
Media: Zoom Cloud Meeting and Facebook Live Streaming

Registration: https://bit.ly/dbpagustus21
*certificate available upon request
Contact: 085262036767 (Chat Only)

Organized by Pan-Sumatra Heritage for Heritage Consevation (Pansumnet) and Sumatra Heritage Trust (BWS)

On Monday 9 August 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) presented its latest report, to assist governments and policy makers throughout the world to orient themselves to the future. Climate change is the single most important issue in the world today (even if governments and media fail to pay sufficient attention to it). It is very important for us as heritage professionals, activists and aficionados to take the results of the IPCC into account in our thinking, our work and our goals.

Sandra Niessen is an anthropologist, fashion and craft activist. She has worked in the Batak region of North Sumatra since 1980. During the past decade, the climate predicament has dominated her thinking about Batak Textiles. It is clear that this beautiful craft can be perceived relative to climate change.

Sandra will talk about three themes that pertain to both textile heritage and climate including: Craft and Culture: systems of meaning vs emphasis on the visual, Craft and Economics: a double-edged sword, Locality and Craft: implications of trade.

She will examine these three themes from the perspective of how specific Batak Textiles are made and used. She will also examine some issues involved when the goal is to expand production and marketing beyond the local